The Rs. 1-lakh car dubbed Tata Nano is still to see the proclaimed or the desired sales figures by Tata Motors. The small car that saw its launch in the year 2009 has always been in news with its restructured sales strategies in order to market the car more aptly in the country. The promising reports that came prior to its launch stated that this was one of the best examples of home grown engineering that will certainly make the dreams of a two-wheeler owner come true, who desires to get an affordable vehicle for his family.trategy and it was unable to pull expected sales. To start with it was promoted as family car, but due to its hard steering wheel and vibrated engine noise it created a wave of displeasure among its owners. The other was its tag of ‘poor man’s car’ that actually to some extent kept the urban consumer a bit away from choosing it. Hence to overcome this hindrance it went under first upgrade and resulted into the launch of Tata Nano 2012. This New Tata Nano was livelier and had many features incorporated in the exteriors and interiors. This time the major focus was bestowed to country’s young car buyers, and it did payback too.
Up till now, that is nearly three years of Tata Nano launch Indian auto giant has managed to make cumulative sales of nearly 1.75 lakhs. This figure is comparatively lower than the one announced at the time of its initial launch. And the cumulative sales number recorded at the recently concluded financial year speak about themselves at 74,527 units, while it was sales of 70,432 units in 2010-11, on the whole an up of 6 percent. At this time, there is a major role play of newly introduced Tata Nano 2012, as it went on to achieve
he year 2009 it was said that Tata Nano will definitely swell India’s car market by 65 percent alongside a drop in the cost of used cars by 30 percent. Nevertheless, these calculations never got wings and on the contrast it downhearted.
But with Tata Nano 2012, which is essentially an outcome of consumer feedback, there are hopes still on for the company. As per Tata Motors, 90 percent of the customers are satisfied with the product, while their valuable insights has always been welcomed resulting in the integration of new features and facelift was a perfect illustration of it. It further affirmed that current upward movement of the sales graph will surely out to use the production capacity at Sanand production unit.
Up till now, that is nearly three years of Tata Nano launch Indian auto giant has managed to make cumulative sales of nearly 1.75 lakhs. This figure is comparatively lower than the one announced at the time of its initial launch. And the cumulative sales number recorded at the recently concluded financial year speak about themselves at 74,527 units, while it was sales of 70,432 units in 2010-11, on the whole an up of 6 percent. At this time, there is a major role play of newly introduced Tata Nano 2012, as it went on to achieve
he year 2009 it was said that Tata Nano will definitely swell India’s car market by 65 percent alongside a drop in the cost of used cars by 30 percent. Nevertheless, these calculations never got wings and on the contrast it downhearted.
But with Tata Nano 2012, which is essentially an outcome of consumer feedback, there are hopes still on for the company. As per Tata Motors, 90 percent of the customers are satisfied with the product, while their valuable insights has always been welcomed resulting in the integration of new features and facelift was a perfect illustration of it. It further affirmed that current upward movement of the sales graph will surely out to use the production capacity at Sanand production unit.
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